30 Day Writing Challenge

I want to be a better writer. From what I’ve read, the best way to become a better writer is to, you guessed it, WRITE! 

As I was scrolling through Pinterest, I came across an image of a 30 day writing challenge. Perfect! The list is so random - it will be great practice for me to write about a variety of topics.

The challenge for the first day is to make a list of 10 things that make me really happy. I wrote out my list last night with the intention of delving a little deeper with details today. Good thing January has 31 days!

DAY 1 - List 10 things that make you really happy

  1. Listening to a good song - Have you ever gotten ASMR tingles from listening to really good music? Me too. According to bettersleep.com, “ASMR is characterized by a pleasurable tingling sensation that begins in the head and scalp and often moves down the spine. Many people report feeling more relaxed and even sleep-inducing effects from ASMR sounds and videos.”

    I DO NOT, however, like to listen to ASMR of random noises  or people whispering. NO.WAY.

  2. Reading a good book - I’m going to make assumptions here - everyone loves reading a good book. For me, it is getting lost in a written world. I just finished reading a book that may not have been my most favorite, but the story kept me coming back for more.

    *I love a feel-good plot, and also spy thrillers. I’m a graphic designer, so if the book has a cute cover, chances are, I will read it…I will definitely judge a published book by its cover.

  3. Dreaming of future house plans - Have I mentioned I love Pinterest? I have a board dedicated to blueprints I have found that I would LOVE to build. As of January 2, 2023, I have 167 different house plans pinned to my Dream Home board. The plans vary from 60s ranch style mid century modern homes to two-story bungalows.

    *My favorite plans at the moment all include a covered outdoor eating area, very nicely labeled as Alfresco (I love a patio meal!)

  4. Reading Cookbooks - I know I already said reading a good book makes me happy, but cookbooks hit differently. If you haven’t sat with a fat cookbook and read it from cover to cover, have you really lived?! I love to cook and am actually pretty good at it. When I read a cookbook, I feel the passion the chef had while writing/creating the recipes. I love reading the little back story of a recipe where the chef tried to recreate an amazing meal they had at a time in their life.

    *My current favorite type of cookbook to read is VINTAGE. I’m currently reading Betty Crocker’s Cookbook - New and Revised edition from 1978. Have you ever seen how many things they used to make with Jello? It’s so INTRIGUING!

  5. Learning a new skill - I just graduated college for the third time in my life. I LOVE LEARNING. I will never stop.

    *I am already enrolled in a Digital Marketing Certificate program and It hasn’t been a month since my last final.

  6. Watching my children succeed - I’m going to go ahead and make another assumption - all parents are happy to watch their children succeed. If you have ever experienced the joy as a parent watching your child finally score a touchdown or nail a cartwheel or hit a bullseye, consider yourself lucky. Seeing my children happy will always make me happy.

    *Recent successes - Child 1 scored high enough in the archery shootout at her school and made the team! Child 2 can jump and touch the top of a doorframe! Child 3 tried 3 new foods and liked it!(this is actually a HUGE success…)

  7. My husband is happy - I find joy when others are happy. I worry about my husband if he is feeling upset - his happiness is very important to me.

    *The holidays are typically a difficult time in our family. My husband is a dairy farmer and his animals don’t take holidays. He works hard when others get days off. It can be stressful, but we work on finding our happiness together.

  8. Betsy the beagle - Dogs are great companions. Our dog is always excited to see us when we come home. Her wagging tail swings her entire body back and forth from its strength.

    *Betsy greets us at the door with that wagging tail and goofy doggy grin.

  9. Being creative - I like painting, drawing, sewing, crafting, cooking, decorating, and designing. I love art. I may not be the best artist in the world, but people enjoy things I’ve created and best of all, I ENJOYED CREATING THEM.

    *I’ve made videos, taken photos, created logos and photo books this week. My heart is HAPPY.

  10. A fantastic meal - I love food. I love watching shows about food, reading about food, and making food. I love trying new recipes and ingredients.

    *Chinese black pepper chicken and homemade beef stew are two new-to-me recipes I made this week.

So that’s my list. What are some things that make you happy?

*Featured Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash


Day 2


The Daily Deck of Curiosity + Wonder