The Daily Deck of Curiosity + Wonder

Hi friends!

Have you ever struggled mentally and/or emotionally and nothing you try seems to get you out of that funk? I have. Sometimes I will get so busy in life that I just go through the motions; I don’t remember what day it is or what I did earlier in the week. I have been so busy, that I am only concentrating on the next task. The monotony of day-to-day life can sometimes make us forget about our own needs and wants.

I’m not going to lie, having all the activities, responsibilities and places-to-be mapped out on my calendar is good for my brain, I thrive having my day scheduled. The downside of this is I am so caught up in what comes next on the schedule that I haven’t taken a break to ask myself what I really want/need to do. (How about schedule myself some fun?!, DUH!)

I saw a friend of mine at Aldi a couple months ago and was telling her how busy I’ve been, and she told me about a passion project she was working on. This friend is an energetic, passionate human who teaches yoga and the importance of listening to your body. Her project is the Daily Deck of Curiosity & Wonder, a deck of affirmations, quotes, questions, and ways to practice bettering yourself. I just got my deck this week!

What the heck is the Daily Deck of Curiosity & Wonder, and why would you need it? Well, to quote the “instruction” card: To bust out of the rut of the same story, beliefs, and reflections. Because you choose the cards at random it compels you to look at things from an unpredictable vantage point.

I love trying to think about something in a new way. I currently have a dish of “angel cards” that I pull from each morning to see what my “word-of-the-day” will be. Freedom, Play and Creativity are some of my favorite cards. (I always fear drawing the dreaded R word – responsibility…) The Daily Deck of Curiosity & Wonder gives me a similar vibe. Instead of seeing what my word is, I ask myself a question and draw a card from the deck to see how I might be able to think about that question in a different way.

I tried out my deck for the first time yesterday morning. The question I asked myself was “Am I Happy?”. Let me preface this story by saying, I shuffled the deck, as the instructions recommended. Like, REAL shuffling. All the suits were mixed so I had the possibility of drawing from any of the four categories within the deck. (As mentioned above, affirmations, quotes, questions, practice)

Am I happy?

Draw a card. Blank. Ok, cool, I’ll draw again.

Draw a second card. Blank.

Draw a third card. Blank.

Draw a fourth card. Blank. Huh…Ok.

Draw a fifth card. The Joker.

While I was drawing blank cards, I remembered something else from the instructions: Each suit comes with a blank card for you to fill out yourself.

Am I happy? According to the cards, I am the one who decides if I’m happy and I control my own happiness. Well, that’s what I got from the cards anyway. I didn’t need a card with an affirmation, quote, or question. I didn’t need to practice. I just needed to look within myself to be able to answer my own question. (I AM happy, for those concerned…)

After I drew these cards, I immediately sent a message to my friend to tell her about my experience. I was able to draw my own conclusions about the cards and had an incredibly empowering revelation. I get goosebumps thinking about it. I am so happy I was able to be in the mindset to think deeply about what the cards were saying to me.

Why am I telling you this story? I wanted to share something good that happened to me and maybe encourage you branch out from a usual way of thinking. Are you struggling and aren’t sure how to overcome the situation? Let me share something from the deck: “Trust that the floor is holding you up, you don’t need to hold yourself up.” Take a second to ponder. Take a second to breathe. Take a second for you.

Stay Creative (and open minded) my Friends.

Would you like your own copy of the deck? Head over to Daily Bread Yoga, order it, and check out all the other great offerings!


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