Day 4 - Be Inspired
I started thinking about this topic last night after finishing the Day 3 post. I continued processing and researching as I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office this afternoon. I got as far as coming up with those first two words. Those words, though, go hand in hand, for what I’m going to share with you.
I’ve been inspired by MANY people throughout my life: people who have taught me to become the independent, driven, hard-working woman I am. I credit ALL those people.
Today, though, I will tell you I am inspired by myself. I literally Googled if it is selfish to be inspired by yourself…Google says I’m good. I found a great description of self-inspiration from
“Self-inspiration is the ability to take yourself from bored to passionate, from stagnant to active, from discouraged to excited. It doesn’t depend on external assistance. Self-inspiring people can inspire themselves (and likely others) anytime and anywhere. Self-inspiring people get things done.”
Over the last few years, when the world shut down, I was able to complete an associate’s degree in Graphic Design. I accomplished a lot. And I’m so proud of myself. I would never have been able to keep it up, if it wasn’t for the encouragement of my husband.
I was inspired to better myself. I received encouragement.
I was inspired to go back to school. I received encouragement.
I was inspired to fulfill my needs. I received encouragement.
I was inspired to try something new. I received encouragement.
Would I be self-inspired if I didn’t also receive the encouragement to continue? I don’t know. It is nice to think yes, but there was SO MUCH unknown that it would have been hard to dedicate myself to school as I did.
I am able to be self-inspired because I receive the ENCOURAGEMENT needed to keep going. I confided in Miriam and Webster again and they said to encourage is TO INSPIRE WITH COURAGE, SPIRIT, OR HOPE. That’s exactly what I got. The courage to try something new.
I forever want to try something new. I ENCOURAGE you to try something new. I will be your biggest cheerleader if that’s what it takes. Everyone deserves the encouragement I received.
Maybe I can inspire you to have self-inspiration. Maybe you are already inspired. Go with it! Follow your heart. Do what makes you happy.
Do you feel that? Those are vibes.